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A collection of excerpts of original solo plays written and performed by a variety of talented performers, covering a wide array of themes and styles
Friday, 7:15-9:00 pm (NOBLE HALL)
featuring SALON performances by:
Dan Prevette, Bethany Vee,
Tatum Langton, Kevin Neighbors,
TL Fornsberg, Johnny Avila,
Eleanor O'Brien, Joyful Raven
Saturday, 9:30-11:00 pm (Noble Hall)
LATE NIGHT DESERT SALON w/ Host Kevin Neighbors, featuring performances by Luka Lyman, Becca McGlynn, Maeria Paez, Pina Sbrocca, Diana Varco
Sunday, 11:15 am-12:30 pm (Noble Hall):
DESERT SALON w/ Host Heather Dowling
featuring performances by Lynne Jassem,
Helema Maggiore, Pamela Najera,
Kirsten Caplan, Lisa Verlo
and Marylee Herrmann
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